Poulin Power

Other Electrical Services

For comprehensive residential and project management services in Calgary, you can always count on Poulin Power.

We provide custom solutions that cater to the unique needs of each client, ensuring the highest level of quality and customer satisfaction.


Residential Services

EV Charger Installation

Imagine skipping the gas station and fuelling your car at home. With our expert EV charger installations, we make this dream a reality. Convenient and eco-friendly, a home charging station is an essential addition to every modern Calgary home.

Panel Upgrade

Stabilize your power supply with our professional panel upgrades. By enhancing the performance and safety of your electrical system, we ensure the seamless operation of your appliances, reducing the risk of power outages and fires.

Renovation & Restoration

Redefine your living space with our expert electrical renovation and restoration services. Whether you're updating an old building or creating a new look, we handle all electrical components to create a safe, efficient, and stylish environment.

Project Management Services

Scope of Work Planning & Monitoring

Planning and monitoring work scopes can be like solving a complex puzzle. We help you articulate every task, timeline, and resource requirement, keeping you on track and ensuring each piece fits perfectly into your project's big picture.

Budget Assessment & Reports

Stay informed and in control of your project's budget. Our comprehensive budget assessments and reports give you clear visibility into your expenditures, helping you make informed decisions and prevent any cost overruns.

Subcontractors Management

Navigating subcontractor relationships can be tricky. We act as your reliable middleman, managing all communication, scheduling, and work quality checks. Your project runs smoothly while you enjoy peace of mind.

Entrust your residential electrical needs and project management to Poulin Power!

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